The Christmas season is quickly approaching. If you would like to order Poinsettias, please print the form below and return it to the church office.
Cost $7
Name ________________________________________
Phone Number _________________________________
Number of flowers: _____________
Take Home_________ Leave for TLC folks _____________
In Memory Of ___________________________________
In Honor Of _____________________________________
Make checks out to St. John's Flower Fund. Complete form and place in the offering plate or mail to
St. John's Lutheran Church, 2131 Woodard Rd. Elma, N.Y. 14059
December 10 - Is the LAST DAY TO ORDER
We need people to deliver Christmas flowers to our TLC folks. Please check here if you are able to help.
___ Yes, I am able to deliver flowers this Christmas season.
Cost $7
Name ________________________________________
Phone Number _________________________________
Number of flowers: _____________
Take Home_________ Leave for TLC folks _____________
In Memory Of ___________________________________
In Honor Of _____________________________________
Make checks out to St. John's Flower Fund. Complete form and place in the offering plate or mail to
St. John's Lutheran Church, 2131 Woodard Rd. Elma, N.Y. 14059
December 10 - Is the LAST DAY TO ORDER
We need people to deliver Christmas flowers to our TLC folks. Please check here if you are able to help.
___ Yes, I am able to deliver flowers this Christmas season.